Sunday, December 27, 2009

Oh how I love alone time !

Finally, I can blog in peace, quietness, tranquility..okay you guys get the point. My post might not be as all over the place as it normally is !

So, I will be working on MORE organization, it's going so slow because quiet time is very rare around here. I'm always around him and tv, music, or something is always distracting me. I am so happy to finally just have time. I love him, don't get me wrong, but being around him 24/7 is definitely not for me. He wanted me to sit in there and work on organization, but thank heavens I convinced him to just shut up and let me sit out here, lol.

I just unlinked my facebook and twitter. I like to be able to "tweet" about my blogs without them being broadcast! I hate my family for spying on me still, and refuse to let them get this link, and if they do, I will probably just leave it. If they don't want to know something, don't read somewhere where you know I will be completely honest.

Going to vlog again tonight, but may not post it over here, but will definitely twitter about it, so you guys can check it out for those of you that have me on twitter/FB. I may post a link in my next post, too.

So today, I woke up to a comment from Lyn, and well Lyn expires me more than pretty much anyone I've ever read, so now I am ready to hyper-mode it all. I'm so ready for new years, and so ready to be able to start this all. I would just start now, but I know with the lack of organization I would fall on my face, so 3ish more days?

Well, I will probably be posting later tonight, including a few pics maybe.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

I went mildly MIA, have had a very busy last couple of days. To begin with I went into ER the other day with some very painful woman problems, ended up not being anything serious, but still my pain has been unreal. Finally got my prescriptions filled today, so feeling pretty good.

Have been working on organization mildly, haven't felt like doing anything at all really. I have been online a lot, but blogging would have been too much of a challenge. Finally up to that again.

I know I promised my goals list, but as I"m still working on some major organization, that will come next post instead. Sorry!

I have followed a lot of new blogs that I am absolutely loving, and now that I'm feeling better I can start commenting more again!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Organization +

Organization is going well, been doing a lot towards it. About to go tidy up the room a bit, I think it's about TOM, because my cramps are keeping me from doing a lot. Getting up is hellacious, so doing as much as I can laying on my stomach in the middle of the floor.

About to do a follow-up call on the interview I had Friday, and while I'm major nervous I know I have a chance, so going to be as confident as I can when making the call. Thinking of taking some excedrin, and laying down, but know a nap is not the best right now. Going to take pictures of my notebooks and such later, but first have to finish up a bit more. Also with my next post will be my goals list.

This is a short post, but I hate not blogging on a daily, or almost-daily basis.

Saturday, December 19, 2009


Well, it went well, should know more by Monday, supposed to call them mid-afternoon on -nervous-.

Right now I am about to mutilate William, he is playing Linkin Park which is migraine-giving, and I don't feel well, and is being mildly idiotic. About to reach over and turn it for him.

Anyyyway, going to clean today and do some major organization that I was supposed to work on at home, yeah didn't have much time for that did I?

9/30 followers, and I'm getting closer to being done with dietgirl. Page 241/307.

Am I the only one who gets extensively jealous when exes are mentioned? Or at least a certain ex, maybe I'm an idiot, but there are times where I can handle anything he says about her, and just think "He's mine now". Other times he just mentions her and I cringe. We are getting married soon, I need to stop worrying.

Eh, maybe it's just stupid insecurities? Maybe I'm an idiot lol.

Off to clean/organize/whatever else needs done.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Oh wow

So, I was home for the "holidays'. I wasn't extremely happy about it I missed William like crazy. So night before last I check my voicemail.."Caitlin this is Heather calling from AFFINA, I was wanting you to come in a job interview..." so I called back the next morning. She did an over the phone interview, then scheduled an in person interview, so last night we got to drive me back to Peoria, after being home for a whole 3 days.

My mom wasn't quite amused. She was glad she got to see me, but it was supposed to be for 2 weeks, not 3 days. But, this means, Christmas with William! Win?! lol.

But, in about 5 hours I will be in a job interview that I am so nervous about, I am mildly bilingual, and that's the only reason I'm getting a chance. I have to be able to answer the phones in Spanish, which I can do, but I blank a lot in spanish too. I'm trying to speak a lot of it now to practice.

"Hola, como estas hoy? Bien? Oy muy bien gracias, Se llama Caitlin y llamamiento de AFFINA..."

I guess that's pretty good. Just hoping she doesn't extensively quiz me. Also have to do a typing test. She said I have to be able to type 25/wpm with 65% accuracy, so last night I took a typing test. 110/wpm with 99% accuracy. So I think I will be fine !

Wish me luck, I am major nervous, and there is a possibility I haven't slept yet, so I need all the luck I can get.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Amazing Adventures of Dietgirl

6 comments on my first post? I'm shocked, I almost never got that many, haha.

I want to thank everyone for their support, I really needed it. I feel good about this though, I'm starting over so why should I use the same blog I used for failed attempts? So far 8 of my followers have re-followed, so I have a proposition for you. Kinda.

Advertise my blog now, because once I hit 30 followers I will be giving away:

Okay, I planned on giving this away anyway, but not until I have more followers so more people have a chance. This book was passed on to me by the lovely Katie J and I'm finally almost done reading it as things have been so busy.

Not sure if I will do it as a giveaway, first person who comments type thing, or what, but when I finish it, and have 30 + followers, it will be given away.

It's not in 100% great shape, it definitely looks read, but hey, it's free ;).

So advertise this blog for me? About to go organize some more stuff for my new start, then read some more in it, so hopefully when I get back on I will have a few more followers :)

First post. Organization Process Begins.

This is Caitlin, previous from Journey to a Better Me. I started a new blog for many reasons.

To begin with, I want a new start. A 100% new start. That blog has times where I tried, and "failed". It's "old" and started as the "old" me, this blog is starting as the dedicated, ready to succeed, me.

Also, my ex found the link to that one, and was telling my mom everything I wrote, and I pour my heart out in my blogs, it's the one place I can be honest, I don't need to be jumped for things I write.

So, this post is mildly short as I'm still getting everything set up, created a 100% new blogger account, where I will be moving over people I follow slowly.